My Journey As A Software Engineer

Just the beginning

The End of the Road is also a new beginning.

Why Software Engineering?

Hobby Tracker

Recipe Pick - Single Page Application


I will be honest, I came into this project with a big head. I really thought javascript was going to be easy. I was finally understanding some of the more complicated logic relating to Rails and Ruby. It didn’t take long for me to realize how wrong I was. Topics like hoisting, asynchronous events, etc. These topics weren’t too hard to understand but to implement was a different story.

Bankroll Manger - My first Rails Project


Like all great stories, in the beginning everything was looking up. I had a full week to get started on my project, I finally got an idea of what I wanted my rails project to be. I decided to make a poker Bank Roll Manager. I organized my thoughts, put them on paper, and got ready to code.

Sinatra Project Mode

Once again its project mode time! This time I learned about SQL and databases. We started with SQLite and ] understanding how to create tables and using queries to search through them. After that we started to learn how to use ActiveRecord, and Sinatra. Using ActiveRecord and Sinatra I learned how to create ruby objects with database relations. Through that I am now able to create a full application from scratch. I am really happy that we learned SQLite, queries first before tackling ActiveRecord. By taking the time to look into what was really going on behind the scenes it helped deepen my understanding of how databases work. Now that I am going into project mode, the time has come to start building my own project. Usually when this happens I start to look into my everyday life for some ideas.