The End of the Road is also a new beginning.

Posted by Eriberto Guzman on October 30, 2020

Why Software Engineering?

“So when I decided that I wanted to be a software engineer, it was one of my most defining moments in my life. Coding, creating software, and actually using the math/physics I learned, thinking about all of these things made me happy. Thats how I realized a career in software engineering is the direction I want my life to take.” - June 8, 2020

These were the words I wrote at the beginning of my flatiron journey. I remember being excited yet nervous about what was to come. Today is October 22nd only about four and a half months later. With everything that I have learned doing this program, it feels like it’s been years. Yet, I am very glad that decided to participate in this program. I finally feel like I am actually capable of creating things. Now I can put into prospective the concepts and ideas that I had about coding. I want to continue learning and gaining more experience. The more I code the more I think about how I can improve and get better. Now as I end my journey with this program, I am ready for the new journey ahead.

What’s next?

The Job Hunt Begins!

I am fully confident in my ability as a full stack developer. It is time to start the job hunt and what better way to do it then by starting a new project. This project is going to aim to make the job hunt easier. I will take the knowledge I got from flatiron school and create a simple web tracker that keeps track of job openings and positions that I am interested in. The learning never ends and this is what I aim to display by continually updating projects and creating new ones.

  • Job Search Companion
    • A place to store job applications
  • DRY Coding Sessions
    • Take a deeper look at previous projects and make them ‘DRY-er’
  • Update Features
    • Make it my responsibility to update each project.
  • & Much More

These are just a few of the things that I will be doing next. But lastly, to honor my late little brother, I will also start a blog-style youtube channel. Aimed at show casing my skills and providing a daily update to my journey. He always encouraged me to do things out of my comfort zone, and this is something I would like to do as a tribute to him.

A Million Thanks

I would like to take the time out to thank Enoch Griffith. Enoch was the cohort leader for my group in the FlatIron school. Although I couldn’t make it to the lessons most of the time I thoroughly enjoyed watching the youtube videos afterwards. Through the way he organized this cohort, it was apparent the amount of time and dedication he spent making sure that we understood these concepts and were able to put them to use in a real world capacity. Thanks Enoch!

There are also a million other little things that I am grateful for during this process, like Katie’s motivational messages in the slack channel or getting motivation from other students. I would like to just sum it all up by thanking everyone who was a part of this process and a special thanks to Flatiron School for helping me jump start my career and follow my passion.