Hobby Tracker

Posted by Eriberto Guzman on October 22, 2020

Hobby Tracker is a single page application that helps you keep track of your hobbies. It allows you to view how much time you are spending on each hobby allowing you to organize the time you spend on activities.

How much time do you spend using Netflix? Are you a gamer? Is spending hours on a Video Game healthy? What actually is a hobby? According to merriam-webster dictionary, a hobby is ‘a pursuit outside of one’s regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation.’

Kiki's Delivery Service

After a long hard day at work, who wouldn’t want to just lean back, and relax? But when does relaxing become too much? There are only so many hours a day that we have to spend on our hobbies. How can we make sure that we aren’t spending too much time on things that aren’t necessarily helping us.

This is where Hobby Tracker comes in. This is an application that plays the middle man when it comes to hobbies. The idea behind the app is not to discourage you not to relax, but rather track how you are relaxing. How many times have you heard,

‘I spend so much time doing [ X ] activity, imagine if I used that time to do [ insert useful skill ].’ Later followed by a ‘I would of been [ rich/master/professional ] .’

Sounds familiar? Well this app aims to help give those words some meaning. Exactly how much time are you using on these other apps? How much time do you actually have in the day to dedicate to your hobbies? What are those hobbies?

We are living in an age of entertainment. We have at our disposal access to whatever information we want anywhere, anytime.

Let’s see how much time we are actually spending on the things we want to learn.