My First CLI Project : Tarkov-Pedia

Posted by Eriberto Guzman on June 22, 2020

I just finished my first CLI project and all I can think of now is I want to keep coding! I created a CLI project called Tarkov-Pedia. The idea was to create a quick and easy way to look up data about a game called Escape From Tarkov. Tarkov, is a gruesome first person shooter online multiplayer game that refuses to hold your hand. In this game there are lots of different items, guns, bullets, quests, etc. It tends to get overwhelming. So much so, that a there is an entire encyclopedia dedicated to the items in the game. Unlike most games, this game doesn’t give you a map, waypoints, or virtually any assistance. Meaning that all the players are left to fend for themselves. While I was thinking about what kind of CLI project to do, I was playing a quick game of Tarkov with my brother. During the session he kept asking me to look up directions, or item spawns. So I found myself switching from the game, to google over and over again. After the game ended and I went back to brainstorming what I wanted to do for my CLI project, then I realized that I could a CLI program for this game.

At first I was reluctant about basing my CLI Project off a video game. But now I could not be more happy with my decision. The whole reason I went into programming was so that I could ability to create my own original concepts and ideas. This is a specific scenario where I could create something new that I could see myself using on a regular basis – or at least whenever I played the game with my brother. This is a win-win scenario where on one hand I could learn a lot about coding, and on the other hand I could have fun while doing it.

Although I knew exactly what the project was supposed to do, starting it off was one of the hardest things ever. It took me a long time to really start coding. I created 3 different classes that I later deleted because they did exactly what the CLI class was supposed to do. It wasn’t until I took a break and woke up the next morning that I realized I needed to organize my thoughts. So, I decided to make a flow chart that to outlined what my code was supposed to be doing. After I did that, it made things so much easier. Without that outline, I think I might of still been stuck trying to figure out what the CLI class is supposed to do.

From now on, before I start coding anything, I will make a flow chart. Having a way to organize my thoughts before I start to write down any code will improve both coding skills and organizational skills. I know there are many more things which I can improve on, but I am ready, able, and willing to learn.